Monthly Archives: February 2019

Asger Carlsen

Asger Carlsen is a Danish artist known for his sculptural photo-manipulations of the humyn body. Stitching together multiple photographs in order to create each complete image, Carlsen considers himself more of a “collector” (of pictures) than a photographer. In order to create these cohesive forms the artist has used the same lighting for years in order to source different models, including himself, as needed for his current work. Carlsen cites feelings of alienation stemming from childhood as inspiration for the oddness and unease evident in his artwork.

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Andrew Bernstein (Calvin Huber)

Andrew Bernstein is a sports photographer that works primarily with professional teams in Los Angeles. Some teams include the Lakers and Clippers of the NBA as well as the Dodgers of the MLB. Bernstein has primarily focused on photography for the NBA but has also done a lot of work for the NHL’s Kings. This was easy for him to work with since the NBA and NHL teams in LA share the same arena. Bernstein has been the key photographer for the US Olympic basketball team since 1992. The year of the Dream Team. He has also worked with Many athletes and companies for advertising. Some of these include Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Nike, Reebok, and many more. He is known as an “All Star” in his line of work.

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Pieter Hugo’s African Photography

Pieter Hugo, born in Johannesburg, is known for capturing Africa and all of its culture. He gives the people of Africa a chance to show the world who they are. From everyday living, to work, to animals, Hugo gives his viewers a taste of what it’s like to live in the great continent. His work has been displayed in numerous museums and is known for being strange, but beautiful.

By Jared Watson

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Contre-Jour Photography

(article by Dean Ferrin)

The technique of contre-jour (derived from a French phrase meaning “against daylight”) involves pointing the camera directly toward back-lit subjects. This effect often obscures details and colors in the subjects, but emphasizes their lines and shapes. Rim lighting occurs when contre-jour sharpens the edges of the subjects, allowing them to “pop” into view. Typical light sources in contre-jour include the sun, the sky, clouds, and water surfaces. Contre-jour provides a convenient option for creating dramatic silhouettes with available light, as in the following examples.

Left: “Contre jour” by Vlaom people
Upper right: “contre-jour” by Bernard Fidel thistle
Upper left: “Conte-jour” by couleurs101 horse

Metering is especially important when taking contre-jour photographs. Bracketing (shooting the same composition at different exposures) can help you find the optimum lighting level. For striking compositions, maximize contrasts by reducing the exposure for dark backgrounds and increasing it for bright backgrounds. If you would like to emphasize rim lighting, slightly overexpose the photograph.

To see more examples of contre-jour photography, click the links below:

Examples from “India Light + Color” by David Helfer Wells

“Contre jour” series by Robert E. Smith

“Contre jour” by kh kawahara

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“In The American West”

Richard Avedon, a fashion photographer from New York, famously photographed everyday blue collar people. For his project titled “In The American West”, Avedon traveled across the country to find people he thought were interesting and would stand out. Every photo in this project contained the same white background used for perfect lighting and consistency throughout. His work gave viewers insight on the jobs of the working class. Each photo has simplicity but is unique in its own way.

By Jared Watson

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One Way For A Photographer to Commit Career Suicide

In early 2018 a family hired a photographer claiming to be a professional only to have hilariously tragic images returned.  It seems the photographer, having little experience with retouching photos found it acceptable to alter the original pictures anyway and to deliver them. Unfortunately the family are out 200-some dollars, but having a good sense of humor they shared the images online stating the laughs they got out of it  were worth the money.

The happy family poses for their portrait.

The proud parents looking totally natural and relaxed.

One  viewer commented:”I don’t know what’s worse, the teeth or the different sized eyeballs.”

by: khawtho

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Darren White’s Landscape Photography

Darren White is a landscape photographer originally from Oregon where he found his love and passion in landscape with the beauty of the mountains. He then recently moved to Colorado and was admired with their landscape and mountains as well. What drew my attention with his photos is not only do they have a theme (with landscape and majority being in the Oregon and Colorado area), but they are also different. Some of his photos even look like they can even be paintings! I really admire the details he is able to catch with the sky for instance with the clouds, stars, the colors, abstract, etc. I also like his creativity with some like with where he has a clear sphere reflecting the rocks and going through to also capture the mountains from behind. His work has been sold worldwide and can be found through various different magazines.


Author: sgray23

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“Dust and Dance”

Among photographer Thomas David’s many works is a “Dust and Dance” shoot, in which he photographed dancers mid motion as they danced on a floor covered in flour. By simply adjusting some camera settings (for example, changing the shutter to 1/200, aperture to 1.4, and iso to 50) and arranging the lighting, David was able to capture some really amazing photos. To see more of his images from the shoot, and find out more about his set up, use the links added below:  

Dust to dust

Emily Smith

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Abstract Photography (Calvin Huber)

Abstract Photography can be difficult to define but in short it is forcing a viewer to look at a subject a different way potential changing the objects meaning. These objects can be anything from creative things someone has made to ordinary household items. Many different lights are typically used in abstract photography.When doing abstract photography you can use many different techniques and setting such as a fast or slow shutter speed, different apertures, and zooms. The key to abstract photography is using your imagination and creativity to see and create things in different ways than normal. Photographers have a lot of creative freedom when doing abstract photography.

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Monochromatic Color Photography

(article by Dean Ferrin)

Monochromatic color photography employs a color scheme comprised of variations of one color.

Monochromatic photographs often feature low-contrast compositions for a visually cohesive impression and a soothing emotional effect. In this way, monochromatic color photography tends to emphasize the subject rather than the photographic technique and does not require the photographer to possess extensive knowledge of color coordination. Nevertheless, photographers can highlight specific elements through the use of slightly differing hues and values. Monochromatic color photography can also associate subjects with a specific emotion or abstract characteristic.

Even lighting and even palettes are particularly conducive to monochromatic color photography.  Uneven lighting can be overcome with a long zoom lens or a macro lens, both of which can neutralize differences by simplifying the composition.

Monochromatic color photography can also be achieved in post-production with software like Lightroom and Photoshop. To create a monochromatic photograph in Adobe Photoshop, first open a photograph and convert it to black-and-white by going to image > mode > grayscale. If desired, adjust the levels to balance the shades and tints in your photograph. Then, go to image > mode > duotone. Choose “monotone” from the dropdown menu, and select a color swatch or input a color code. Readjust the levels if desired.

To see more examples of monochromatic color photography, click the links below:

Monochromatic photography by Sasa Slijepcevic

Color Theory : Monochromatic by Dominika Bondyra

Monochromatic Photography (Part 1) by Leonardo J Laya G

How to Use Monochrome Color in Photography

How to Use Monochrome Color in Photography

30 Colorful Works of Monochromatic Photography

30 Colorful Works of Monochromatic Photography

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